This website features data and tools useful for analyses that need measures of participation and position in global value chains and trade in value-added.
It is maintained by Michele Mancini.
Global Value Chains and Value-Added trade analysis in Stata: icio.
icio is a user-friendly Stata tool to compute measures of GVC participation and trade in value-added on well-known and user-provided Input-Output tables.
Check it out here
Please cite Belotti, F., Borin, A., Mancini, M. 2021. icio – Economic Analysis with Inter Country Input-Output tables, The Stata Journal, 2021 (21) 3.” [link]
To install icio, run in Stata: ssc install icio
Global Value Chains Database World Bank WITS
A comprehensive database of up-to-date GVC participation measures.
Overview – Visualizations – Bulk download
Please cite Borin, A., Mancini, M., Taglioni, D. 2021, Measuring Exposure to Risk in Global Value Chains, World Bank Policy Research WP, 9785 [link]. See Appendix B for more info on the data.
Positioning in Global Value Chains: a comprehensive database
A comprehensive database of up-to-date positioning measures in GVC.
Check it out here
Please cite Mancini M., Montalbano P., Nenci S., Vurchio D., 2024, Positioning in Global Value Chains: World Map and Indicators, a new dataset available for GVC analyses, World Bank Economic Review. [link]