Data and Tools for Trade and Global Value Chains Analyses

This website features data and tools useful for analyses that need measures of participation and position in global value chains and trade in value-added.
It is maintained by Michele Mancini.

Global Value Chains and Value-Added trade analysis in Stata: icio.
icio is a user-friendly Stata tool to compute measures of GVC participation and trade in value-added on well-known and user-provided Input-Output tables.
Check it out here
Please cite Belotti, F., Borin, A., Mancini, M. 2021. icio –   Economic Analysis with Inter Country Input-Output tables, The Stata Journal, 2021 (21) 3.” [link]
To install icio, run in Stata: ssc install icio

Global Value Chains Database World Bank WITS
A comprehensive database of up-to-date GVC participation measures.
OverviewVisualizationsBulk download
Please cite Borin, A., Mancini, M., Taglioni, D. 2021, Measuring Exposure to Risk in Global Value Chains, World Bank Policy Research WP, 9785 [link]. See Appendix B for more info on the data.

Positioning in Global Value Chains: a comprehensive database
A comprehensive database of up-to-date positioning measures in GVC.
Check it out here
Please cite Mancini M., Montalbano P., Nenci S., Vurchio D., 2024, Positioning in Global Value Chains: World Map and Indicators, a new dataset available for GVC analyses, World Bank Economic Review. [link]