Economist – Bank of Italy

new research
- Inputs in geopolitical distress: a risk assessment based on micro data, with F. P. Conteduca, G. Cariola, E. Gentili, A. Linarello, M. Mancini, T. Padellini, L. Panon and E. Sette, Occasional Papers, Bank of Italy, no. 819. [
- Measuring Exposure to Risk in Global Value Chains, with M. Mancini and D. Taglioni, 2021, World Bank Policy Research WP, 9785. [VoxEU column] [
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- Forecasting Italian GDP growth with epidemiological data, with V. Aprigliano, F. P. Conteduca, S. Emiliozzi, M. Flaccadoro, S. Marchetti and Stefania Villa, Occasional Papers, Bank of Italy, no. 664. [
- Trade and Economic Activity: Non-Linear Modelling and Forecasting, with A. G. Gazzani and M. Mancini.
DAta and programs
Check the World Bank WITS GVC Database here
Check icio website here! icio is a user-friendly Stata tool to compute measures of GVC participation and trade in value-added (November 2022 update now available! Run“icio_clean” followed by “icio_load, info“ to check the available data)
- The real-time impact of the war on Russian imports: a synthetic control method approach, with F. P. Conteduca and M. Mancini, 2023, World Trade Review, forthcoming [link WP version] [VoxEU column]
- Trade Decoupling from Russia, with F. P. Conteduca, E. Di Stefano, V. Gunnella, M. Mancini and L. Panon, 2023, International Economics, forthcoming. [link WP version]
- Measuring what matters in value-added trade. Economic Systems Research, 2023, Volume 35, Issue 4, Pages 586-613. with M. Mancini [
- An epidemic model for SARS-CoV-2 with self-adaptive containment measures. PloS one, 2022, 17(7): e0272009. with S. Marchetti, F.P. Conteduca, G. Ilardi, G. Guzzetta, P. Poletti P, et al. [
- A new dataset for local and national COVID-19-Related restrictions in Italy. Italian Economic Journal, 2022, 8, 435–470 (2022). with F.P. Conteduca. [
- icio – Economic Analysis with Inter-Country Input-Output tables. Stata Journal, 2021, 21(3). with F. Belotti and M. Mancini. [
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- EU transfers and euroscepticism: can’t buy me love? Economic Policy, 2020. with E. Macchi and M. Mancini. [
- FDI and firm performance: an empirical analysis on Italian firms. Review of World Economics, 2016, 152(4), with A. Borin. [
Michele Mancini economist global value chains international trade
Michele Mancini economist global value chains international trade icio